Seven days to die pc steam code
Seven days to die pc steam code

TerrDestroyedWoodDebris now harvests 1,2 wood instead of 3 to be better aligned with the cost of frame shape blocks.Improved AI destroy area trigger percents/distances, stun handling and capped spread to allies.Yes Arlene, it's time to take the Christmas tree down! Removed Christmas themed items from loot.Updated colliders and xml on all arrow slits to work like iron bars.Reduced amount of ammo found in blue zombie loot bags from 2 large rolls to 1.Reduced amount of ammo found in yellow zombie loot bags from large to medium group.Drone description no longer references the ability to fight.Updated Localization for furniture helper blocks.Penetrator Perk now references the Lever Action rifle instead of the Marksman rifle.

seven days to die pc steam code

Updated preview thumbnail JPGs for part_loot_t1 through t5.Added produce baskets, pallets, and empty clothes shelves to furniture helper.Moved the old chair out of the furniture helper and gave it its own new recipe.Moved the storage crate and writable storage crate to their own recipes (same recipe as before).Moved cabinets, cupboards, and bookshelves to a new player crafted helper block (same recipe as before).Reorganized the furniture helpers to prevent unwanted block rotations hiding adjacent block faces due to mixed block types/properties.Fixed mispainted texture in perimetral wall Replaced fake scrap metal rollup doors for steel ones. Warehouse_04: final loot room sleepers volumes rearranged to hold at least two feral.Added another low chance to find vehicle wheels in PassNGas crates.Increased the chance to find acid in sinks and chemical sets.Reduced the amount of aloe cream found in backpacks.Reworked tiered chest loot to better reflect POI difficulty.Mailboxes now have a higher chance to spawn archery, spear, and needle and thread books early game.Added and updated loot probabilities with a ProbT2Cap template to prevent empty loot containers and/or missing loot items at high loot stage where ProbT3 is not available.Updated loot probability and quality templates to better align with the new loot stage system.Fixed trigger not properly linked to door.

Seven days to die pc steam code windows#

Replaced bank upper windows for bulletproof.

  • Slightly increased the probability of books found in book piles and crackabook shelves.
  • Reworked all couch harvests to give some of the main resources on the destroy event instead in the middle of the harvest.
  • House_modern_23: changes made after level designers meeting feedback.
  • Downtown_filler_27 (TIER3, search, clear) removed door frame simulating door that was permanently closed to avoid confusion.
  • Updated downtown_strip_10 based on player feedback.
  • Remnant_waste_01: replaced sinks for sink shape inside ice cream store.
  • Warehouse_04: added floor trims inside warehouses, fixed mispainted textures in bathrooms and kitchen's floor, replaced shelfs to prevent zfight.
  • Updated restore power and sleeper configuration for countrytown_business_04 based on player feedback.
  • House_modern_23 (TIER4) Changes made based on feedback.
  • Updated store_book_01, store_clothing_01, store_electronics_02, store_grocery_01, store_gun_02, added new art and new shapes.
  • Updated remnant_business_0205, updated with new art and shapes.
  • Updated house_construction_01 and house_construction_02 with new art props.
  • seven days to die pc steam code

    Updates to remnant_skyscraper_01 based on feedback.(made path more obvious, added torches, added triggers so sleepers arent' left behind, etc.) Updated to house_modern_18 based on YT player feedback.

    seven days to die pc steam code

    texture issues, sleeper adjustment, etc.)

  • Updates to downtown_strip_05 based on player feedback (e.g.
  • AI destroy area is canceled when damaged by an entity.
  • Show Stability makes a clearly different green for max and darkens colors every 1m of world space.

  • Seven days to die pc steam code